Kheper Games
Adventurous Sex Card Game
Could you and your partner use new tricks to heat up your sex life? Try out SEX! Adventurous Sex Card Game from Kheper games, and bring naughty entertainment into your life.
Deal this naughty deck and rake in a sheet-scorching night of sexual adventure! Each card illustrates an exciting sex position. Play a game and you’ll come out with a fully-developed five-position fantasy for you both to reenact together! Includes 50 sexual position cards + 3 game guide cards that’ll teach you to play Ultimate Fantasy, Lover’s Libido, and Fortune Teller! The Sex! Card Game deck is organized into five different colors according to hotness: red (foreplay), orange, yellow, white, and light blue (scorching hot!). Play one of the included games – the winner gets the fantasy they’ve created! This game is great for anyone wanting to add some variety to his or her positions, or to become a little more effortlessly adventurous in bed. It’s also a great way to open up and get your partner to open up about their preferences and fantasies!